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Table Service

Enhance your experience with a VIP table

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Dine & Dance

Start your evening with a 3-course dinner in the sophisticated ambiance of Heck’s (next to Escape Club), after dinner a cocktail and then VIP entrance to Escape Club.

Dine & Dance
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Get in touch

Reach out to Escape Club for all inquiries, including lost and found, table service, VIP arrangements, or general assistance. Explore our agenda for event details, and find complete contact information below to connect with us easily.

Escape Club

Rembrandtplein 11

1017 CT Amsterdam


Lost and found:

For more info on table service and VIP please go to the agenda and click on the date you want to visit Escape.

Table Service and VIP Whatsapp and telephone: +31639228876

Lost and Found

If you lose something at ESCAPE CLUB please visit Escape Club the next day at the opening time around 23.00 hours. Explain security you lost something with a detailed description of your lost item and ask for the manager.

During the summer period Escape Club is open every day. Please check the agenda first to see if we are open.

If you are not able to visit Escape Club the next day, please e-mail and send us a detailed description of your lost item, if possible a photo, together with the date on which you lost your item. We will try our very best to track down your lost item. If we find the item, we will secure it and confirm that we found the item by e-mail. With this e-mail you can pick up the lost item any day when we are open, within a month, during opening hours.

Lost or forgotten items will not be send by post, but can only be picked up at Escape Club.

Escape donates all items which have not been picked up within a month to charity. Found and hand in ID’s/Passports will be hand over to the police.


Rembrandtplein 15


Tel + 31 20 450 0600

Web Heck's:


Drieharingstraat 6

3511 BJ Utrecht

Tel: +31 30 231 15 77

Opening hours: Monday till Friday from 09.00 till 17.00 hours
